- aes67:configure_rx_streams|Configure RX streams ^ aes67:start|XC2 AES67 RAVENNA Interface ^ ->
====== GPIOs ======
The AES67 RAVENNA Interface supports up to multicast 32 GPIs and multicast 32 GPOs. To see the GPIO state and set matching GPIO channel, go to the ''GPIO'' page.
**Note**\\ GPIOs must be enabled via Toolbox first. See [[aes67:toolbox#gpios|Configuration via Toolbox / GPIO section]].
**Note**\\ Minimum Firmware version on series 52 core device for GPIOs is 8.1.35.
**Note**\\ GPIOs require valid license: [[https://dhd.audio/product/528542/|52-8542 GPIO Extension for 52-7067]].
The GPIO page displays two tables, one for GPIs and one for GPOs.
[{{ :aes67:gpio.png?1500 |//AES67 GPIO page with some GPIs and GPOs configured//}}]
Each table shows the GPI / GPO state in the ''#'' column. If the GPI / GPO is green, the state is ''1'' or ''ON''. The value in the ''Name'' column is set as ''Label'' via Toolbox within the matching GPI / GPO. You can assign a channel number to each GPO. The channel number can be edited by clicking the {{:aes67:edit-button.png|}} (edit) button.
[{{ :aes67:gpio_channel.png |//Edit GPI channel window//}}]
Channel Number value has to follow this syntax: ''.''.
**Important**\\ GPIO functionality is only for communication with commonly used 3rd party playout systems and not for use within DHD devices. Use Core Control Networking instead.