- ^ licensing:start|Licensing Overview ^ licensing:software_licenses|Software Licenses and Feature Upgrade Licenses ->
====== Licensing Overview ======
==== Search Topic ====
{searchform ns=licensing}
=== Software Licenses and Feature Upgrade Licenses ===
[[licensing:software_licenses|Software Licenses and Feature Upgrade Licenses]]\\
[[licensing:receive|Receive your Software License codes or Voucher Codes]]\\
[[licensing:load_in_device|Load licenses into the device]]\\
[[licensing:storage|MicroSD Card]]\\
[[licensing:floating|Floating Licenses]]\\
[[licensing:enhanced_dsp_processing_license|Enhanced DSP Processing License]]\\
/* [[licensing:dante_routing|Dante Routing DHDOS Add-On]]\\ */
[[aes67:licensing|Licensing of the XC2 AES67 RAVENNA interface]]\\
=== Firmware License ===
[[licensing:firmware|Firmware license code]]\\
[[licensing:receive_firmware_license_code|Receive Firmware License Code]]\\
[[licensing:load_in_device|Load licenses into the device]]\\
[[licensing:available_licenses|Checking for Active Firmware License in the device]]\\
=== See also ===
[[tb8:maintenance:start|Maintenance Window Documentation]] for entering Licenses.\\
[[dhdcs:start|DHDCS Documentation]] when having troubles connecting to your device.\\
[[tb8:start|Toolbox8 Documentation]] / [[tb8:options|Device Options]] for information on enabling licenses in your configuration.\\
[[tb5:start|Toolbox5 Documentation]] / [[tb5:device_properties|Device Properties]] for older devices with firmware state 7.4 or less.\\