<- sx:v7:monitoring|Monitoring & Talkback ^ sx:v7:start|52/SX Configuration ^ sx:v7:on_air_switch|On-Air-Switch -> ======Buses====== On the ''Buses'' page you can configure the settings for all buses that are available in the 52/SX system. [{{ :sx:v7:buses.png?nolink |SXConfig Software - Buses}}] In the following tables all options on this page are explained. | **element** | **description** | |Talk 1 Source|Click the {{:sx:on-air_switch_dots.png?nolink}} button, next to the ''Talk 1 Source'' box. The ''Audio Sources'' window opens. Select a audio source from the list and click assign.\\ When the ''Talk 1 Condition'' logic becomes true, the ''Talk 1 Source'' is active on the corresponding bus.| |Talk 2 Source|Click the {{:sx:on-air_switch_dots.png?nolink}} button, next to the ''Talk 2 Source'' box. The ''Audio Sources'' window opens. Select a audio source from the list and click assign.\\ When the ''Talk 2 Condition'' logic becomes true, the ''Talk 2 Source'' is active on the corresponding bus.| |Talk Attenuation|When a Talk Source is active, the busses can be attenuated between ''0 dB'' and ''Off'' in steps of 1 dB. Use the ''Talk Attenuation'' selector to change the attenuation value.| | **column** | **description** | |Bus name|Here you can find the name of the bus for which you configure the following settings.| |Stereo|Select this check box, if the bus is stereo. Clear the check box to configure the bus as mono.| |Talk 1 Condition|Click the {{:sx:on-air_switch_dots.png?nolink}} button, next to the ''Talk 1 Condition'' box. The ''Logic Sources'' window opens. Select a logic source from the list and click assign.\\ When this logic source becomes true, the ''Talk 1 Source'' is active on the corresponding bus.| |Talk 2 Condition|Click the {{:sx:on-air_switch_dots.png?nolink}} button, next to the ''Talk 2 Condition'' box. The ''Logic Sources'' window opens. Select a logic source from the list and click assign.\\ When this logic source becomes true, the ''Talk 2 Source'' is active on the corresponding bus.| |Limiter|Select the ''On'' check box to activate the limiter for this bus. \\ Select a threshold value from the drop-down menu (-30 dB to 20 dB).| |CF Source|Select from the drop down menu an audio source for your clean feed signal| |Use Output select|Select this check box to enable source selection for the alternative clean feed signal.| |Add to Selector List 1|Select this check box to add a bus to source list 1. This bus will be available in the monitor source list, which is assigned to the ''Selector'' key on 52-1010 central module.| |Add to Selector List 2|Select this check box to add a bus to source list 2. This bus will be available for monitoring in the'' Monitor 2 ''list, which is available in the ''Selector'' view of the TFT/Touch Display.|