- sx:v7:tft_module|TFT Display ^ sx:v7:start|52/SX Configuration ^ sx:v7:general|General information on Configuration ->
======Connecting modules to the 52/XS Core======
The control modules and I/O boxes have to be connected to the APC ports of the 52/XS Cores 52-18xx. It is important to connect the peripheral modules to the correct APC port.
**Important**\\ Use always shielded CAT5 or CAT6 ethernet cables (at least S/UTP, F/UTP or SF/UTP) to connect these modules to the XS core.
[{{ :sx:52-1801_rear_view.zoom50.png?nolink |//Rear view of 52-1801//}}]
[{{ :sx:52-1804_rear_view.zoom50.png?nolink |//Rear view of 52-1804//}}]
In the following table you can find the assignment of the control modules, I/O boxes, DeviceLinks and TFT/Touch displays to the APC ports.
|**Name of the APC port**|{{:wiki:rot.png?nolink|}}**52-1801**|{{:wiki:rot.png?nolink|}}**52-1804**|
|APC 1|TFT/touch display|TFT/touch display|
|APC 2|central control module|central control module 52-1010|
|APC 3|fader module 1|fader module 1|
|APC 4|fader module 2|I/O box 1 / DeviceLink 1|
|APC 5|fader module 3|n. a.|
|APC 6|fader module 4 / I/O box 3 / DeviceLink 3 *|n. a.|
|APC 7|I/O box 2 / DeviceLink 2|n. a.|
|APC 8|I/O box 1 / DeviceLink 1|n. a.|
*) The APC port 6 is useable either for a fader module, an I/O box or an DeviceLink. Because of this, for example a 12 fader mixing console with three I/O boxes or a 16 fader mixing console with two I/O boxes are the maximum configurations for a 52/SX.
**Weblink**\\ You find a PDF file with cabling examples in the [[http://dhdaudio.de/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1097&Itemid=555|52/SX Download]] area on [[http://www.dhd-audio.com]].