<- tb8:mixer_snapshot_channel_mapping|Mixer Snapshot Channel Mapping ^ tb8:start|Toolbox8 Software ^ tb8:level_adjust|Level Adjust -> ====== Channel Snapshot Types ====== Here, you can assign the channel snapshot types you created at Global Control/Channel Snapshot Types. [{{ :tb8:mixer_snapshot_mapping.png?nolink |//Assigning snapshot channel types to channel snapshots.//}}] In the ''Channel Snapshot Types'' list, all created channel snapshot types are shown. All 250 available channel snapshots are shown in the ''Allow "Save" to Snapshot Numbers'' list. Each snapshot is identified by a consecutively numbering. To assign a channel snapshot type to a channel snapshot or to undo an assignment, select a type in the ''Channel Snapshot Types'' list and select the check box in the row of the snapshot channel you want to edit in the ''Allow "Save" to Snapshot Numbers'' list. Which channel snapshot types are assigned to the channel snapshots is shown in the ''Allowed Snapshot Types'' column.