====== System App Help & Documentation ======
==== Search Topic ====
{searchform ns=webapps}
\\ System App is a Web App that is runing on a DHD device. It can be used with any supported browser. It comes with firmware version 9.2 and higher. \\
This documentation is constantly updated to match the recent state of the software.
\\ \\
/* {{:webapps:assist.svg?100&nolink|//System App Icon//}} */
=== Using System App ===
[[.:menu|System App Menu]]\\
=== System App Pages ===
[[.:systemreport|System Report]]FIXME\\
[[.:users|User Management]]FIXME\\
[[.:networksettings|Nework Settings]]FIXME\\
[[.:webconnections|Web Connections]]\\
[[.:os|Operating System]]\\