====== Firmware ======
''Firmware'' page gives an overview of firmware operation state and device information generated by firmware.
[{{ :webapps:system:firmware.png?nolink |//Firmware Page//}}]
On firmware page, the following information is displayed:
* ''Firmware Version'': displays if a valid firmware license is available.
* ''Serial Number'': serial number of the series 52 core device. Required for generating the firmware license and for unique hardware identification.
* ''Serial Number 52-7006'' (XC2 / XD2 / XS2): serial number of the main processor module.
* ''MAC-Address'': mac address of the ETH interface on the series 52 core device.
* ''Hour Meter'': total operation hours of the series 52 core device.
* ''Firmware Uptime'': firmware operation time since last firmware reset or device reboot.
* ''Cycle time'': debug information for DHD support.
* ''Running as'': redundancy information, only relevant on XD2 systems.
* ''Restart Reason'': debug information for DHD support.
* ''System Frequency'': internal system clock frequency.
* ''Sync Source'': active sync source (1, 2 or internal). For source configuration, see [[tb9:synchronisation|Toolbox synchronisation settings]].
* ''Sync Source 1 State'': displays if sync source 1 is active.
* ''Sync Soucre 2 State'': displays if sync source 2 is active or available.
* ''Temperature'': core device temperature, taken from core processor.
* ''Power 1 State'': power 1 state (up / down). Only displayed if PSU is configured in Toolbox. Will result in an alert if down.
* ''Power 2 State'': power 2 state (up / down). Only displayed if PSU is configured in Toolbox. Will result in an alert if down.
===== Advanced Information Overlay =====
**Note**\\ Information provided here is mostly debug information for DHD support.
===== Module State =====
''Module State'' provides a list of all connected modules to the core directly or to concentrators. Module Information can contain (if available):
* Module Type
* Internal Address
* Module ID (''ModID'')
* Module uptime
* Module serial number
* Module temperature
* Module name from toolbox configuration
**Note**\\ Information provided here is mostly debug information for DHD support. Use Port State instead.
===== Port State =====
''Port State'' provides information of all hardware ports of the core and all concentrators. It also lists all virtual connections made via the ETH port.
**Important**\\ In order for port state to work correctly, you must have ''Enable TFT Auto Assignment'' activated in Toolbox configuration, [[tb9:options|Device Options]]. Manual TFT assignment can lead to non-unique module IDs, which is not recommended.
[{{ :webapps:system:port-state.png?nolink |//Port State Page//}}]
The information is displayed per device in a table, containing
* ''Port'': The physical port of the core or concentrator.
* ''Module'': The type of the connected module as from Toolbox configuration.
* ''ID'': Module ID as expected from Toolbox configuration.
* ''Name'': Module name as from Toolbox configuration.
* ''Link'': Link state (Up / Down), power delivery ({{:webapps:system:bolt-icon.png?23}} icon), data connection ({{:webapps:system:link-icon.png?23}} icon)
* ''Uptime'': Module uptime (time since the module was connected).
* ''Temp'': Module temperature, taken from module processor.
**Tip**\\ Modules that are configured but not connected are will still have their module ID displayed in the table.
For more advanced information on the module click {{:webapps:system:chevron-icon.png?23}} icon to open module information overlay. Here the following information are displayed:
* ''Firmware Version'': version of the module's individual, internal firmware.
* ''Uptime'': Module uptime (time since the module was connected).
* ''Temperature'': Module temperature, taken from module processor.
* ''Module ID'': Module ID as expected from Toolbox configuration.
* ''Serial'': Serial number of the module.
* ''Internal Address'': only debug informations.
* ''Format'': Connection type.
**Note**\\ Values are only displayed if available. Some information is not available on all modules.
===== Serial Numbers =====
**Note**\\ Information provided here is mostly debug information for DHD support.