====== Licensing ======
''Licensing'' page allows you to view and enter licenses in the core device.
[{{ :webapps:system:licensing.png?800 |//Licensing page//}}]
On licensing page, the following information is displayed:
* ''Micro SD Serial'': serial number of the integrated Micro SD card. Required for software licensing.
* ''Hardware Serial'': serial number of the series 52 core device. Required for generating the firmware license and for unique hardware identification.
* ''MAC-Address'': mac address of the ETH interface on the series 52 core device.
* ''Firmware License'': displays if a valid firmware license is available.
* ''Hour meter'': total operation hours of the series 52 core device.
Below, in ''Licenses'' section, all licenses applied to the device are displayed. Licenses can have the following states:
* unlimited valid (green dot color)
* temporary license, valid (green dot color, orange font color)
* temporary license, expired (orange dot color, red font folor)
[{{ :webapps:system:license-states.png?nolink |//possible license states (left to right: unlimited valid; temporary license, valid; temporary license, expired//}}]
===== Enter licenses & redeem vouchers =====
[{{ :webapps:system:redeem-voucher.gif |//redeem voucher, animated//}}]
**Note**\\ Redeeming a voucher code requires an internet connection of your computer. Internet connection of the core device is not required.
To enter a license or redeem a voucher:
- Visit ''Licensing'' page
- Click ''Enter License'' button
- Enter a valid voucher or license code
- If your computer has internet access, WebApps will automatically connect to DHD license servers, redeem the voucher code and send the license code to the device
- If your computer has no internet access, WebApps will print a QR code to scan and redeem the voucher code. Alternatively, visit [[https://license.dhd.audio]], enter your voucher code and serial number (XC3 Cores: Micro SD Serial ''CXXXXXXXXXX''; XD Cores: SSD Serial ''DXXXXXXXXXX''). After redeeming the voucher code, enter the generated license code in the WebApps dialogue and click ''Redeem/Enter''.
The license key will then be stored on the device.
**Important**\\ **You can redeem a voucher only one time. It will then be bound to the SD card serial number.**
**Note**\\ If the license does not show up immediately, a system reboot may be required.
**Tip**\\ If you have no internet connection available, visit https://license.dhd.audio. Alternatively, a QR code will be generated by system app that will redeem your voucher automatically once scanned, e.g. with your smartphone.
A successfully stored license will be displayed by system app.