====== Operating System ======
''Operating System'' page gives an overview of the operating system (''Kernel'') of the core device.
[{{ :webapps:system:kernel.png?nolink |//Operating System Page//}}]
==== General ====
* ''Kernel Version'': version of the system kernel.
* ''Architecture'': processor architecture of the system.
* ''Build'': build time of the kernel.
* ''System Time'': system time of the device set via NTP. See [[webapps:system:networksettings|Network Settings]] on setting up timeserver and DST options.
* ''System Uptime'': system operation time since last device reboot.
==== System Load ====
''System Load'' section gives load information of main processor module.
**Note**\\ Information provided here is mostly debug information for DHD support.
===== Process State =====
''Process State'' page serves a table of all running processes on the system.
**Note**\\ Information provided here is mostly debug information for DHD support.