
You can use the DHD Communication Server to log activities of a DHD system in detail or in a long-time recording. To make the troubleshooting successful, the following tips may help:

For more information on recommended network architecture, see General Network Specifications.

Use Log Level 0 for general logging. Use Log Level 6 for debugging.

If you have any questions concerning the analysis of log files, please contact your local DHD distributor.

Switch Logging On / Off

Log Level 0 messages will automatically be logged if UDP broadcasts are enabled on your Network. To setup a higher log level, right click on the devices list entry and select the designated log level DHDCS will automatically establish a TCP connection to the device.

If UDP broadcasts are disabled or you added your device manually, select Log Level 1 instead of log level 0. This will produce the same output as log level 0.

The function TCP Protocol ON & TCP Protocol OFF is a legacy function used for logging of 52-4200 systems. It is not recommended to use this function with current systems, since parallel use with one of the Log Levels 0-6 will generate many redundant log messages. It will unnecessarily fill up the logfile and make it less readable.

Active TCP connections will be displayed as TCP entry in Main Window, ''Conn'' table column.

You can prevent DHDCS from being closed when loggig is active. To do so, go to Logging Menu, Options Window and enable Do not quit server while protocol is active. Closing the server, while any TCP logging connection is active (any log level is set), will result in Protocol is active. Server could not stop. error message.