Table of Contents

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Measurements of DHD modules

General Information

Name of used standard

DIN EN 55032:2022-08 (VDE 0878-32:2022-08) Electromagnetic compatibility of multimedia equipment
Emission requirements (CISPR32:2015 + COR1:2016 + A1:2019)

German version EN 55032:2015 + AC:2016 + A11:2020 + A1:2020, Publication date: 2022-08

German title: Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Multimediageräten und Einrichtungen - Anforderungen an die Störaussendung (CISPR 32:2015 + COR1:2016 + A1:2019); Deutsche Fassung EN 55032:2015 + AC:2016 + A11:2020 + A1:2020


EN 55032, the European harmonized standards adoption of CISPR 32 applies to Multimedia Equipment (MME) and having a rated r.m.s. AC or DC supply voltage not exceeding 600 V and intended primarily for professional use, including equipment that falls within the scope of CISPR 22 and CISPR 13. Procedures are given for the laboratory measurement (on site testing excluded) of the levels of spurious signals generated by the MME and limits are specified within the standard for protection of radio services in industrial, commercial or residential environments.

The inter­na­tional stan­dard EN 55032 divides equip­ment, devices and appa­ra­tus in two classes, depend­ing on the type of end using envi­ron­ment:

Class A equip­ment that may not offer ade­quate pro­tec­tion to broad­cast ser­vices within a res­i­den­tial envi­ron­ment.
Class B equip­ment that offers ade­quate pro­tec­tion to broad­cast ser­vices in res­i­den­tial envi­ron­ment.

Equip­ment intended pri­mar­ily for use in a res­i­den­tial envi­ron­ment shall meet the Class B lim­its. All other equip­ment shall com­ply with the Class A lim­its.

Exam­ples of Mul­ti­me­dia equip­ment (MME):
infor­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy equip­ment– equip­ment hav­ing a pri­mary func­tion of entry, stor­age, dis­play, retrieval, trans­mis­sion, pro­cess­ing, switch­ing, or con­trol of data and/or telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion mes­sages and which may be equipped with one or more ports typ­i­cally for infor­ma­tion trans­fer. (Office machines, elec­tronic busi­ness equip­ment and telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion equip­ment.)


Con­ducted emis­sion require­ments for AC/DC mains ports, telecom­mu­ni­ca­tion ports, sig­nal ports must be sat­is­fied in fre­quency range 150kHz-30MHz.

Radi­ated emis­sion require­ments must be sat­is­fied in fre­quency range:

30MHz-1GHzif inter­nal fre­quency is up to 108MHz
30MHz-2GHzif inter­nal fre­quency is up to 500MHz
30MHz-5GHzif inter­nal fre­quency is up to 1GHz
30MHz-6GHzif inter­nal fre­quency is higher than 1GHz

Inter­nal fre­quency – high­est fun­da­men­tal fre­quency gen­er­ated or used within the EUT or high­est fre­quency at which it oper­ates. This also includes fre­quen­cies which are solely used within an inte­grated cir­cuit.

Measurement conditions

All measurements below were successfully completed for MME Class A. Radi­ated emis­sions were measured in the fre­quency range of 30MHz-6GHz.

Test Reports


Additional Information

Test site

EMV-Zentrum Leipzig (Forschungs- und Transferzentrum Leipzig e.V.)


AANAsymmetric Artificial Network
ACAlternating Current
AMNArtificial Mains Network
APCAudio Power & Control ethernet port (DHD)
CISPRComité international spécial des perturbations radioélectriques
DCDirect Current
EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility
EMVElektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
EUTEquipment Under Test
FARFully Anechoic Room
MMEMultimedia Equipment