Table of Contents


Creating Remote Control Views

Click on the symbol in the tool bar to open the view editor. Alternatively, you can reach this window via the Administration menu. The View Editor appears.

View Layout Configuration

You can see the Userdefined Views-Section on the left. Click Add to create a new view. Click Remove to remove the currently selected view. If a remote view was edited and is not saved yet, this is indicated by a * entry in the Mod. (Modificated) column.

The Edit View section is split in two parts. On the right, there are three tabs: Elements, Properties of View, Structure.

Preview Area

In the center of the Remote View Editor window, the preview area is located.

On the top, click to zoom in and click to zoom out.

Under the zoom elements, the preview area is located. You can:

General: Working with colors

To change a color, go to the Properties of- Tab and click the color field of the desired color. The color window opens.

The color window with color picker

To choose a predefined or user defined color, click on the predefined or user defined color field and click OK.

To use a user-defined color or define a new user defined color, click define colors » / Farben Definieren ». The color picker opens. Choose a color by clicking or drag & drop the color wheel or enter the color values directly. When you have the right color, click Add colors / Farben Hinzufügen. The color will be added to the first user-defined color field. When adding a second value, the second field will be used and so on. If you want to change or enter to a specific field directly, click inside the user defined field you want to use, select your color and click Add colors / Farben Hinzufügen.

Possible parameters using colors are described below.

Elements tab

In the Elements tab, all available elements are listed. Elements are grouped by the mixers containing it. Click the + icon besides the mixer node to expand it. Now you see all modules assigned to this virtual mixer and all TFT views on the device. You can expand those nodes to see the single elements.

Adding an element

To add elements, just drag the entry in the “All Elements” list on the right to the View Layout Configuration area.

Elements can not overlap.

Single elements

You can add a single element by dragging and dropping. A single element is not a node in the All Elements- ist.

You can drag and drop single elements inside a Panel element. The elements will then be grouped. When moving the panel, the elements it contains will also be moved.


You can add whole modules (MX/RX/SX-Modules). Drag and drop the module node (e.g. 52-2029) to the View Layout Configuration area. The module elements will automatically be grouped and built like the physical layout.

Console Layout

You can add whole console layouts as built in TB8 Configuration. Drag and drop the mixer node in an empty remote view creation area.

Having multiple consoles or a big amount of MX fader- and overbridge-modules can cause automatic layout creation to fail. You will have to sort them manually.

When adding MX fader modules to a frame in TB8 console creation, make sure to start with the first fader on the left and continue left to right. Adding faders in a different order can also mix the fader order at automatic layout creation process.

Properties of ... tab

The Properties of … tab changes depending on the element selected.

Properties of View

You can set general options of the view. Click the View you want to edit in the Userdefined Views Area on the left. The Tab changes to Properties of view.

You can set the following options:

The background picture will automatically stretch to fill the whole background. It is recommended to change Width and Height first. After setting a picture, you will have to clear and select the picture again to change background sizing.

Properties of Panel

Change options of a panel / colored area element.

You can set the following options:

Properties of Fader

Change options of a Fader element.

You can set the following options:

Properties of Key

Change options of a Key element.

You can set the following options:

The on-color of a key is defined by TB8-Configuration

Using Access Input / DSP override function requires valid DSP Control license.

Properties of Encoder

Change options of a Key element.

You can set the following options:

Properties of Analogue Clock

Change options for the Analogue Clock element.

You can set the following options:

For displaying current date, you have to drag & drop the arrow in the bottom right corner of the analog clock view element downwards (make the element higher).

Properties of History R128

Change options for the History R128 element.

You can set the following options:

Properties of PPM/Gain Control

Change options for the PPM element.

You can set the following options:

Properties of R128 meter

Change options for the R128 meter element.

You can set the following options:

Structure tab

The Structure tab shows a tree that includes all areas (this could be a fader strip for instance) of the currently selected view. If you expand the branches of this tree, you will see which elements are assigned to the several areas. Elements that are not grouped are listed apart.
