Table of Contents


System Settings

On the System Settings page, you can configure general options for your 52/SX.

SXConfig Software - System Settings

In the following sections you can find the descriptions for these options.


Select here, which sample rate should be set for internal synchronisation (44.1 kHz / 48 kHz).

Select in the Select Source list, which sync source should be used:

Fader Program Key Mode

In this area you can change the behaviour of the Fader Program Keys.

TFT State Indicators

TFT State Indicators

You can change text, behaviour and look of the TFT state indicators.

In the Table

The Logic Condition under the Table allows you to select the logic condition. When you have selected a list entry in the table, click Select. The logic source window opens. Select the desired logic and click assign.

Logic conditions are DHD internal functions. A logic source can be true (1) or false (0). Logic sources can be GPIs, Keys/TFT Buttons, Level or Correlation Detects or system state functions. For more information on Logic see Toolbox 8 Documentation: General information on Logic.

If more special logic sources are required or you need to work with logics (logic functions), enhanced feature license and Toolbox 8 is required.

Ember+ as an additional logic source is also possible. Contact your DHD dealer or DHD directly for further information on upgrading your system.

Peakmeter Option

You can change behaviour of the PPMs.


You can use additional Licenses for more advanced features.

For general Information on licensing see Licensing.

When you have a valid license code, you have to enter it directly into your core. After this done, you have to allow the license here for the configuration software.

See Maintenance / Enter License for information on entering a license into your core.
