Table of Contents

Resource Files

Resource files allow you to enhance the consoles user interaction and experience using international character sets or pictures.

Toolbox v9.1.0 & Fw 9.1.0 or higher: Toolbox allows a maximum of 70 MB of resource files in total and a maximum of 70 files. So there are, for example, 70 resource files with 1 MB per file possible or 1 resource file with 70 MB. A Character Set counts as file, too.
Toolbox v9.0.x & Fw 9.0.x: Toolbox allows a maximum of 50 MB of resource files in total and a maximum of 50 files. So there are, for example, 50 resource files with 1 MB per file possible or 1 resource file with 50 MB.

Bigger resource files will slow down config transfer to the device and refreshing of TFT displays. Make sure to remove unused resource files in order to speed up configuration.

Changes in any resource file will cause a complete re-transmission of the resource file to the device. Sending your config to the device and refreshing TFT displays may take longer than usual.

Resource Usage: informs you of the current resource memory usage and possible amount of resource files left.

Character Set

International character sets and UTF-8 encoding require Toolbox v9.1.0 & FW 9.1.0 or higher.

It is possible to add international, UTF-8 encoded characters to your device's TFT displays and Web Apps, for example in label elements or channel names. This can help the user to interact easier with the console and enhance your workflow.

The default character set that is already contained within the firmware already contains support for 582 languages / 237 regions as well as emoji support. Additional character sets are added as described below.

For a full list of all languages and additional character sets currently supported by DHD devices, see List of supported languages. If your language is not supported, please to contact us and request it.

To add an addidional character set:

Internet connection request. Confirm with Yes to download the list of additional character sets.
Additional character set selection

If no internet connection is available, Toolbox will display an error message. Consider the following:

Error message: no internet connection available

To remove an additional character set: click Remove in the Character Set row in the Media Management section.

You can enter UTF-8 special characters in your labels using Toolbox. You can also change labels on the console using the TFT onscreen keyboard, Ember+ or Web Apps: Labels App. TFT onscreen keyboard does only contain selected UTF-8 characters and emojis.

Adding character sets requires Toolbox to have an active internet connection. Character set will be downloaded from DHD servers. This is only required

OLED displays of 52/MX, 52/RX and 52/SX modules do not support UTF-8 encoding. Only ASCII characters will be displayed. Unsupported characters will be displayed as ¿.

Some UTF-8 characters require additional characters for controlling their appearance, this defined in IETF UTF-8 RFC. This means that using special characters such as, for example, emojis, could reduce the amount of available length in labels.
Example: A channel name with one emoji inside will have a maximum length of 15 characters.

It is only possible to add one additional character set.


Individual pictures can be imported to use them as TFT background and TFT graphics. The Picture file format is .png. Alpha channel (transparency) is supported.

To add a resource file do following:

If, for example your company's logo changes and is used in many TFT Views, you can use the Replace function. You can replace the attached file without changing its properties.

Toolbox v9.1.3 and higher: To export a resource file as PNG, you can use the Export button.

Adding Resource Files

TFT Display Resolutions

For usage as background image, please note the screen resolutions of your TFT hardware.

Make sure your image files have a maximum resolution of your TFTs maximum resolution as in the list below.

TypeModule NameResolutionRatio
52-4018TFT/Touch Display, 7“ IPS800×4805:3
52-4010, 52-401210.1” Multitouch IPS TFT Display1280×80016:10
52-451010.1“ TFT Display for housing1280×80016:10
52-5620, 52-5614SX21280×80016:10
52-5820, 52-5810 (upper 10” TFT Display)RX21280×80016:10
52-5810 (lower 7“ TFT Display)RX2480×8003:5
52-1156TX 10.1” Multitouch Mixer1280×80016:10

Individual pictures can be used only with DSP cores including a microSD-card (52-744xA with 52-7450A Controller, 52-744xA with 52-7456A Controller, 52-7403C, 52-7402C, 52-7400C, 52-7420A, 52-7423A, 52-7424A, 52-7410A, 52-1804C, 52-1801C, 52-1810A, 52-1830A or later revisions).

Individual pictures are not supported by TFT displays 52-4017 and 52-4015.