Table of Contents


The DHD REST API comes with Firmware Version 9.1 & Web Apps version 2.0. It is meant to provide easy access to useful functionalities of the console and is designed primarily to write. Reading values is only possible for global labels. This is to prevent polling.

DHD REST API is restricted to an average of one request per second, but can handle bursts of up to 10 requests per second. After such a burst of e.g. 10 requests, you will have to wait 10 seconds before the server accepts any new calls. If you have a Burst of e.g. 5 requests, you will have to wait 5 seconds. During this 'grace period', the server will respond with code 423 (Locked).

REST API (system) will be reduced in its feature set, as it would introduce duplicate functions as the new control API.

The following calls are deprecated within firmware version 10.2 and will be removed soon:

  • Load Mixer Snapshot
  • Save Mixer Snapshot
  • Load Channel Snapshot
  • Save Mixer Snapshot
  • Upload Mixer Snapshot
  • Download Mixer Snapshot
  • Upload Channel Snapshot
  • Download Channel Snapshot

All examples can vary on different platforms and shell / terminal environtments. Please check for the correct syntax on your environment.

REST API must be enabled in Toolbox, [Device Node] > Web Apps Tab, REST API checkbox.


Set Global Label

Set a single global label

Action path /action/setgloballabel
Types possible Get, Post


Key Value Type Example Description
ObjectID Int 1 Global label ID
Name String test New global label value
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication (optional)

Example Request

curl -L -X GET ''

Get Global Label

Get a single global label

Action path /action/getgloballabel
Types possible Get, Post


Key Value Type Example Description
ObjectID Int Global label ID
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication (optional)


The response is the label value in plain text.

Example Request

curl -L -X GET ''

Reset Global Label

Reset a single global label to Toolbox default.

Action path /action/setgloballabel
Types possible Get, Post


Key Value Type Example Description
ObjectID Int 1 Global label ID
Name String Has to be empty
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication (optional)

Example Request

curl -L -X GET ''

Set Channel Label

Set a single channel label

Action path /action/setchannellabel
Types possible Get, Post


Key Value Type Example Description
ObjectID Int 1 Fader Channel ID
Name String test New channel label value
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication (optional)

Example Request

curl -L -X GET ''

Reset Channel Label

Reset a single channel label to Toolbox default.

Action path /action/setchannellabel
Types possible Get, Post


Key Value Type Example Description
ObjectID Int 1 Fader Channel ID
Name String Has to be empty
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication (optional)

Example Request

curl -L -X GET ''


Upload Picture

Upload a picture of file type .png. This function replaces an existing Resource File and can be used for picture elements within TFT views.

Other file types such as JPG are not supported.

We're using form-data for transmission of the required parameters and file.

Action path /action/updatepic
Types possible Post


Key Value Type Example Description
ObjectID Int 1 Resource File ID
file File image.png Provide valid PNG here
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication (optional)

Example Request

curl -L -X POST '' -F 'ObjectID=1' -F 'file=@image.png'


Login User

Login a specific user on a virtual mixer.

Action path /action/login
Types possible Get, Post


Key Value Type Example Description
ObjectID Int 0 Virtual Mixer ID
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication

Example Request

curl -L -X GET ''

Logout User

Logout a any user on a virtual mixer with a valid user token.

Action path /action/logout
Types possible Get, Post


Key Value Type Example Description
ObjectID Int 0 Virtual Mixer ID
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication

Example Request

curl -L -X GET ''


Load Mixer Snapshot

Load a mixer snapshot on the console.

Action path /action/loadmx
Types possible Get, Post


Key Value Type Example Description
ObjectID Int 0 Virtual Mixer ID
SnapshotID Int 1 Snapshot ID to load
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication (optional)

Example Request

curl -L -X GET ''

Load Channel Snapshot

Load a channel snapshot on the console.

Action path /action/loadch
Types possible Get, Post


Key Value Type Example Description
ObjectID Int 0 Fader Channel ID
SnapshotID Int 1 Snapshot ID to load
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication (optional)

Example Request

curl -L -X GET ''

Upload Channel Snapshot

Upload a channel snapshot on the console. The channel snapshot can be downloaded using Snapshots App.

Action path /action/uploadchsnap
Types possible Post


Key Value Type Example Description
SnapshotID Int 1 Snapshot ID to load
file file ChannelSnap_1.sfp Local fader shapshot file
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication (optional)

Example Request

curl -L -X POST '' -F 'file=@ChannelSnap_1.sfp' -F 'SnapshotID=1'

Backup / Restore | Version >10.1

This feature comes with minimum firmware version 10.1.0

To choose, what to backup or restore, we use tags. The following tags are allowed:

TagMeaningApplies to
ALLCreates / restores the full backup (no other tags allowed)All devices
FWCONFIGContains the device configuration (from Toolbox)XC3 / XD3 Cores
NETWORKContains the network config, such as IP addresses, device name, subnet masks etc.All devices
TIMEZONEContains timezone and DST settingsAll devices
TLSContains the TLS certificate of the deviceAll devices
SERVICESContains the settings done on Manage Services PageAll devices
LOGContains syslog settingsAll devices
SNMPContains SNMP settingsAll devices
USERSContains the encrypted user database of the deviceXC3 / XD3 Cores
MXSNAPSContains all mixer snapshots of the deviceXC3 / XD3 Cores
CHSNAPSContains all channel and processing snapshots of the deviceXC3 / XD3 Cores
SNAPZEROContains snapshot zero of each virtual mixerXC3 / XD3 Cores
AES67CONFIGContains the AES67 configuration of the deivceAES67 Interfaces and XC3 Cores with license 52-8546

This API feature can also be used to automatically renew TLS certificates.

Download Backup

Download a backup of all or selected parameters of the device.

A file of type .bin will be downloaded. This has the same contents as the manually downloaded .tgz file from System App.

Action path /action/backup
Types possible Post, Get


Key Value Type Example Description
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication (required)
Tags String   ALLDefine what to backup (see list above) 

Example Request

Creating a full backup:
curl -L -X GET '' 
Creating a selective backup of SNMP and Network Config:
curl -L -X GET ',SNMP' 

Restore (Upload and Apply Backup File)

Upload and restore a previously downloaded backup of all or selected parameters of the device

We're using form-data for transmission of the required parameters and file.

Selected data of the device will be overwritten, device may restart in order to apply the backpu, audio will be interrupted.

File types .bin and .tgz are supported.

Action path /action/restore
Types possible Post


Key Value Type Example Description
Token String XXX-XXX-XXX User authentication (required)
Tags String   ALLDefine what to backup (see list above) 

Example Request

Restore all Backup Data
curl -L -X POST '' -F 'file=@Backup.bin' -F 'Tags=ALL' -F 'Token=XXX-XXX-XXX'
Restore only Network and AES67 Configuration
curl -L -X POST '' -F 'file=@Backup.bin' -F 'Tags=NETWORK,AES67CONFIG' -F 'Token=XXX-XXX-XXX'


The server will respond with a status 200 and a JSON object. The JSON object contains the received values such as some data required by DHD audio for debugging. If something on your request goes wrong, the JSON object will contain an Error entry.

If the server doesn't respond with status code 200: