Table of Contents

Version 10.1 release notes and upgrade instructions

Firmware and Toolbox version 10.1 focus on evolving features and functionality introduced with XC3 & XD3 and version 10.0.

If an upgrade of your hardware is required and you are unsure how to handle this process, please contact your local DHD distributor - see List of DHD distributors.

New Features




Web Apps


Security Features

Replaced features

Upgrade Instructions - Kernel & Firmware

Coming from version 10.0, first upgrade the kernel to version 10.1. After the kernel is upgraded, upload firmware 10.1 to the device.

Upgrade Instructions - Toolbox Project

As no major changes are introduced in Toolbox version 10.1, upgrading from version 10.0 to 10.1 should work by opening the existing project file within Toolbox 10.1 and checking if any messges are issued.

For a seamless transition, we recommend planning with enough spare time to convert your Toolbox project.

First of all, you need to have your Toolbox working at the latest Toolbox v10.0.x. If this condition is fulfilled, open your .dp10 project file with Toolbox v10.1.x.

We strongly recommend to keep a copy of the original v10.0.x (.dp10) project file.

Enabling Apps and user Rights is now done using WebApps, replacing Toolbox. If you are using WebApps, you must re-enable them after upgrading on every core, using System App > Service > Manage Apps and User Rights.

Multicast logic exchange configuration is now done using WebApps. If you are using this feature, you must configure it after upgrading on every core, using System App > Network > Manage Services > DHD Logic Exchange.

You may receive some WARNING messages in the Messages Section. Those messages inform you if your Toolbox project is using no longer supported hardware, if other problems occurred or if adjustments were done during conversion of the project. A double click on the message leads you to the hardware module or part of the configuration that is subject of the message.