Table of Contents

Configuration via Toolbox

The AES67 RAVENNA interface has to be added to your Series 52 core device configuration via Toolbox configuration software. The TDM inputs and outputs on the side of the series 52 core device have to be configured here. Also, the AES67 RAVENNA interface allows a basic configuration of RX stream subscriptions and TX streams via Toolbox configuration software. Point to point connections between two AES67 RAVENNA interfaces can be set up only using Toolbox.

This manual requires basic knowledge about Toolbox configuration software. See Toolbox Documentation.

For using the AES67 RAVENNA Interface, at least Toolbox version 8.1.25 is required.

Unit Options of the AES67 Device defined on Device / I/O Overview Page

Add the AES67 RAVENNA Interface to a configuration

To add a new AES67 RAVENNA Interface, to your configuration:

  1. Start Toolbox8 software and open your configuration file. At least version 8.1.23 is required.
  2. Make sure you have an XC2/XS2 core device or an XC2 concentrator with a free core extension slot in your configuration. You can see your hardware on Device / Hardware page in the Unit Options section. To review the extension slot availability, see the Extension Slot entry in the Unit Ports Section.
  3. Go to Device / I/O Overview page in Toolbox.
  4. Click Add in the Select element section. Select the 50-7067 XC2 AES67 RAVENNA Interface entry.
  5. The interface is now added and automatically assigned to your core extension slot. If the core extension slot is already used, the interface will be assigned to the next free concentrator. You can reassign it using the Port Options section.
  6. Send the configuration to the core device.

Configure the AES67 RAVENNA Interface

Configuration of the AES67 RAVENNA Interface on Toolbox side is necessary to implement the device in your DHD environment. Configuration is done on Device / I/O Overview Page.

Unit Options

This section appears on the right when clicking directly on the AES67 device's node in the Select Element tree. Basic module setup can be done here.

Module Name

Set the Module Name here. It can have a total of 16 characters. The Module Name is the first part of the Device Name, which defines itself based on the following pattern:

[Module Name].[Core-Device Name].[4-Letter Project ID]

An example device name would be: AES67-1.MCR-XC2.CRQK.

Streams are thus announced: [Stream Name]@[Device Name].

The Device Name is used for device and stream announcement. Changing one of the components that define the Device Name will break existing audio connections on your AES67 RAVENNA Module.

Digital Level Adjust

Digital level and headroom adjustments relative to the internal metering can be set up here globally for this AES67 device. See Toolbox8 / Level Adjust for more information on internal metering.

Device Password

Set the Device Password here. It can have a total of 32 characters. The Password will then be required to open all pages on the Web Interface of the AES67 RAVENNA Module except the overview page. The password will be available after sending the configuration to the core device.

If no password is set, no Enter Password dialogue will appear and all pages and settings are accessible without protection.


Enable the GPIOs checkbox to activate the network based GPIOs on the AES67 device. They are now available and can be configured right as any other logic sources or destinations in Toolbox software.

GPIOs require license 52-8542 GPIO extension for 52-7067.

Sample Rate Converter

The entry Sample Rate Converter (SRC) can be edited on each channel (in and out) options and is global for the AES67 RAVENNA Module. If the SRC is switched off at one channel, it will be switched off for all input and output channels and vice versa.

The SRC mode can only be switched off when the module is configured into a XS2/XC2 core.
The SRC is always on when the module is configured into a XC2 Concentrator.

The Sample Rate Converter setting is global for the AES67 RAVENNA Module. If the SRC is switched off at one channel, it will be switched off for all input and output channels and vice versa.

Output (TX) Side

Click on the output you want to edit in the Inputs/Outputs table on I/O Overview page in Toolbox. You can now edit the output options:

Enter LabelEnter a valid label with a max. of 16 characters. The first label set over an empty entry will be suggested by the Web Interface as TX stream name. On Locked via Toolbox operation mode, it will be used as stream name. Note
Changing the stream name will cancel all existing connections. Consumers of the stream will have to be reassigned. This only applies when the stream is in Locked via Toolbox mode.
Left Source & Right SourceAdd an audio source. This source will be used in simple mode as the source for the audio stream. In advanced mode the assigned source will be available on the Available Sources list. When Locked via Toolbox is active, the audio sources will be used for the audio stream.
Level AdjustAdjust leveling/headroom for each stereo output pair from the corresponding drop-down menu. The shown values always refer to the devices internal default level of 0 dBint.
Sample Rate ConverterSwitch the SRC On or Off for all input & output ports.
Locked via ToolboxWhen locked, all stream parameters are set to DHD defaults and can not be changed. The AES67 RAVENNA Interface will enable the stream directly after sending the config to device.

Input (RX) Side

Click on the input you want to edit in the Inputs/Outputs table on I/O Overview page in Toolbox. You can now edit the input options:

Enter LabelThis label only serves for information purposes in Toolbox.
Default Source StreamSelect a default source stream to receive. If you run a Toolbox project with multiple AES67 RAVENNA Interfaces, you can click . The AES67 source tree opens. Select the stream you want to subscribe to and click Assign. If you have an AES67 device outside the current Toolbox project, you can enter a stream name by hand here. The AES67 RAVENNA Interface will use this as default source. This field is required when Locked via Toolbox is checked.
Level AdjustAdjust leveling/headroom for each stereo input pair from the corresponding drop-down menu. The shown values always refer to the devices internal default level of 0 dBint.
Locked via ToolboxWhen locked, all stream parameters are set to DHD defaults and can not be changed. The AES67 RAVENNA Interface will enable the stream directly after sending the config to the device. The AES67 RAVENNA Interface will try receiving the Default Source Stream defined in Toolbox after sending the config to device.
Add to Mixer 1See TB Documentation / I/O Overview / Adding to Mixer

Linking two AES67 RAVENNA Interfaces via Toolbox

To link two AES67 RAVENNA Interfaces via Toolbox, see the following steps. This works only when the interfaces are in the same Toolbox project.

  1. Add all interfaces to your devices in Toolbox
  2. Configure the output of the device from which you want to send audio. Make sure to add audio sources and a label (stream name).
  3. Enable Locked via Toolbox option.
  4. Go to the device on which you want to receive audio.
  5. On the designated input, click on the Default Source Stream option. The AES67 source tree opens.
  6. Select the output of the device from which you want to receive audio you configured earlier and click Assign. The source stream will now be assigned.
  7. Enable Locked via Toolbox option.
  8. Use this audio input the same way as all other audio sources in your configuration. It is available in the Audio Sources tree.

When the inputs and outputs are Locked via Toolbox, the Web Interface is not required for configuration of these streams.

Stream Names and Toolbox automations

Toolbox Software can - under certain circumstances - overwrite settings on the device, even if Locked via Toolbox is not set.

If simple mode is active on the AES67 RAVENNA interface,

If advanced mode is active on the AES67 RAVENNA interface,