
The Menus are named in german. English translations are written in brackets.

The Datei (file) menu provides the following entries:

  • Einstellungen (settings) - Opens the Einstellungen (settings) window, wherein the configuration of the MidiControl software can be done.
  • Beenden (close) - Closes the software after confirmation.

The Bearbeiten (edit) menu provides the following entries:

  • Statusfenster löschen (clear log window) - Clears the log window.
  • Zähler updaten (update counter) - Updates the counter values of the status bar (for test purposes only).

The Mixer menu provides the following entries:

  • Connect - Establishes the connection to the mixing console.
  • Disconnect - Interrupts the connection to the mixing console.

The Ansicht (view) menu provides the following entries:

  • Symbolleiste (toolbar) - Shows or hides the toolbar (Symbolleiste).
  • Statusleiste (status bar) - Shows or hides the status bar (Statusleiste).
  • Position beim Verlassen speichern (save position on when closing) - Saves the last window position when closing the software
  • Fensterposition Speichern (save window position) - Saves current window position

The MIDI menu provides the following entries:

If the MIDI switching option is configured, you can swap the controller via this menu. The currently active controller is marked by a check mark in front of the menu entry.

The ? menu provides the following entries:

  • Hilfethemen (help) - Starts the German online help.
  • Info über MidiControl (about MidiControl) - Shows an about window.