
Licensing page allows you to view and enter licenses in the core device.

Licensing page

On licensing page, the following information is displayed:

  • Micro SD Serial: serial number of the integrated Micro SD card. Required for software licensing.
  • Hardware Serial: serial number of the series 52 core device. Required for generating the firmware license and for unique hardware identification.
  • MAC-Address: mac address of the ETH interface on the series 52 core device.
  • Firmware License: displays if a valid firmware license is available.
  • Hour meter: total operation hours of the series 52 core device.

Below, in Licenses section, all licenses applied to the device are displayed. Licenses can have the following states:

  • unlimited valid (green dot color)
  • temporary license, valid (green dot color, orange font color)
  • temporary license, expired (orange dot color, red font folor)
possible license states (left to right: unlimited valid; temporary license, valid; temporary license, expired
redeem voucher, animated

Redeeming a voucher code requires an internet connection of your computer. Internet connection of the core device is not required.

To enter a license or redeem a voucher:

  1. Visit Licensing page
  2. Click Enter License button
  3. Enter a valid voucher or license code
    1. If your computer has internet access, WebApps will automatically connect to DHD license servers, redeem the voucher code and send the license code to the device
    2. If your computer has no internet access, WebApps will print a QR code to scan and redeem the voucher code. Alternatively, visit, enter your voucher code and serial number (XC3 Cores: Micro SD Serial CXXXXXXXXXX; XD Cores: SSD Serial DXXXXXXXXXX). After redeeming the voucher code, enter the generated license code in the WebApps dialogue and click Redeem/Enter.

The license key will then be stored on the device.

You can redeem a voucher only one time. It will then be bound to the SD card serial number.

If the license does not show up immediately, a system reboot may be required.

If you have no internet connection available, visit Alternatively, a QR code will be generated by system app that will redeem your voucher automatically once scanned, e.g. with your smartphone.

A successfully stored license will be displayed by system app.