The functions of the Administration
menu are only executable by administrators.
Channel Groups contain single channels, which are related to each other.
Stereo signals can be seen as simple channel groups. However, it is not necessary to configure stereo groups, because this is done automatically.
If a channel group should contain more than one stereo signal, the group needs to be created separately, e.g. for all 6 channels of a 5.1 signal.
It is possible to create channel groups for inputs and for outputs.
With the aid of channel groups, it is possible to control a number of signals by switching only one single crosspoint. So, you can reduce the effort concerning the number of needed crosspoint switchings and you will also get a better overview in the matrices.
The connection of channel groups always results in a 1:1 routing. That means, that the first channel of an input group is always connected to the first channel of the output group, the second input to the second output and so on.
If there is a different number of channels in the connected input group and output group, the 1:1 routing is used until any channels of the input group or the output group are connected.
After selecting the entry Channel Groups
in the Administration
menu the Channel Groups
window appears. Alternatively, you can reach this window by clicking the symbol in the toolbar.
Select the desired device in the pull-down menu on top of the window if the project includes several devices.
Use the buttons Add
and Remove
to create and delete input and output groups. Give your channel groups significant names in the text box Label
. In the channel groups, you can use all available channels of the list All Channels
. Drag'n'drop the signals from the right-handed list All Channels
to the list Channels in Channel Group
or use the arrow buttons (left & right) between the lists. You can change the order of the channels within the list Channels in Channel Group
per drag'n'drop or with the arrow buttons (up & down).
Press Apply
to save your settings if you want to continue with the channel group configuration or press OK
to save and close the Channel Groups
window. It is possible to undo all settings and reload the state you had saved last by pressing Cancel
From now on, you can insert the created groups into your matrices.
After selecting the entry Channel Properties
in the Administration
menu the Edit Channels
window appears. Alternatively, you can reach this window by clicking the symbol in the toolbar.
Within this window, you can set some options for the input and output channels.
Select the desired device in the pull-down menu on top of the window if the project includes several devices.
The Inputs
tab shows all inputs of the chosen device. Mark an input of the All Channels
list to be able to change its name in the Label
text box.
The same applies to the output channels on the Outputs
tab, but there are more options for output channels.
With the Lock Logic
it is possible to fix the routing for the respective output. That means, as long as the selected logic is true, the routing of the output can not be changed. Therefore, double click on the desired output in the Lock Logic
column or click the Select
button in the Lock Logic
line of the Channel Properties
area and select a logic source. In the Logic Sources
window you can choose the Invert Logic Level
option if you want to use the logical state inverted. If the logic is used inverted, this is shown by an exclamation mark in front of the logic source name in the Lock Logic
In the … for Scheduling
area you can set the global default for new schedules on the output you selected in the Create schedule without Duration
option. Possible options are:
(Use global Default)
: Use the global default as defined in Scheduler Options.On
: Always create a schedule without a predefined duration on this output.Off
: Always create a schedule with a predefined duration on this output.
In the … for Global Label
area, you can define which global label shall be overwritten to contain the name of the source routed to this output. Select the desired global label in the dropdown list on the Global Label
Moreover, you can define what should happen, if a user wants to switch off a crosspoint. Therefore, double click the desired output in the … for Matrix
area or choose the desired option from the Sink Switch Off
pull-down menu in the Channel Properties
area. Three options are offered:
: It is possible to switch off a crosspoint.To Default
: A predefined source is connected to the output automatically. Afterward, it is possible to select another source, but not to switch off the crosspoint of the predefined source.Deny
: It is possible to select another source, but not to switch off a crosspoint. Hence, it is guaranteed that always an input is connected to the output.
The Allow
option is set by default for all channels.
If the To Default
option is selected, you also have to choose an Off Source
. Click the Select
button in the Off Source
line and choose the input signal that should be routed to the output when switching off the current connection.
All modified channels are marked in the Mod.
column, until you save the current settings.
Press Apply
to save your settings if you want to continue editing channels or press OK
to save and close the Edit Channels
window. It is possible to undo all settings and reload the state you had saved last by pressing Cancel
To make the matrix and the list view more clear, you can hide groups of inputs and outputs. Beforehand, you need to merge the desired signals in channel categories.
To create channel categories, select the entry Channel Categories
in the Administration
menu. The Channel Categories
window appears. Alternatively, you can reach this window by clicking the symbol in the toolbar.
Select the desired device in the pull-down menu on top of the window if the project includes several devices.
Use the buttons Add
and Remove
to create and delete input and output categories. In these channel categories, you can use all available channels of the list All Channels
. Drag'n'drop the signals from the right-handed list All Channels
to the list Channels in Channel Category
or use the arrow buttons between the lists.
Press Apply
to save your settings if you want to continue editing channel categories or press OK
to save and close the Channel Categories
window. It is possible to undo all settings and reload the state you had saved last by pressing Cancel
To adjust which inputs are shown in the matrix or list view, click the symbol. A contextual menu appears and you can select the desired channel categories. The same applies to the outputs in conjunction with the
symbol. If no channel category is selected, all channels are displayed.
The Matrices
window appears, wherein matrices can be created and edited. Alternatively, you can reach this window by clicking the symbol in the toolbar.
Find detailed information on creating matrices in the section Configure Routing Matrices.
The User Accounts
window appears, wherein users can be created and edited. Alternatively, you can reach this window by clicking the symbol in the toolbar.
Please find detailed information on user administration in the section User Management.
The Workstation Configuration
window appears. Alternatively, you can reach this window by clicking the symbol in the toolbar.
The configured workstations for the operation of the DHDOM are listed in the Workstation Configuration
window. Use the buttons Add
and Remove
below the list to add and delete workstations. Every workstation that was connected once is listed even if it was not configured manually.
The Identification
must be identical with the windows PC name of the respective workstation. In the text box Label
you can enter any name. The labels are used to identify the workstations within the DHDOM during the configuration process. If a workstation was not added manually but was used to login to the DHDOM, the Identification
and the Label
are set to Windows PC automatically.
Activate the checkbox Start docked at the bottom
if you want the DHDOM to get started in a reduced view. A default color scheme can be chosen, that should be loaded automatically. How to create and edit color schemes can be found in Options Menu / Colors section.
A user can be chosen in the User
menu who is automatically logged in when starting the DHDOM.
With the Device Relationship settings below you can define to which device and - if available - to which mixer a workstation is assigned. This assignment is important for the following functions:
User Accounts / Console Options > Allow Console Login
)User Accounts / Snapshot Configuration > Mixer Snapshot on Login
) / Monitoring Options > Use Monitoring + Used Output
Press Apply
to save your settings if you want to continue with the workstation configuration or press OK
to save and close the Workstation Configuration
window. It is possible to undo all settings and reload the state you had saved last by pressing Cancel
Detailed information on the settings of this tab can be found in the section Monitoring.
A precise description of Quick Monitor Buttons
can be found in the section Quick Monitor Buttons.
Find out more about the settings of the Quick Monitor Sources
tab in the section Monitoring Sources.
Press Apply
to save your settings if you want to continue with the workstation configuration or press OK
to save and close the Workstation Configuration
window. It is possible to undo all settings and reload the state you had saved last by pressing Cancel
The Special Days
window appears. Alternatively, you can reach this window by clicking the symbol in the toolbar.
In the Special Days
window you can configure an arbitrary number of special days and assign them to up to four groups. These groups can be used for scheduling. (See Scheduling)
The basic idea of the Special Days is to interrupt repeat patterns on desired days. That means, if a Special Day is created and is assigned to a Special Day Category, all scheduled events are not executed on this Special Day unless the respective Special Day Category is selected for this event.
Use the buttons Add
and Remove
to create and delete special days. Select the desired date and name the special day. Each day needs to be allotted at least to one of the four groups (Categories
). Click the symbol behind a group if you want to change its name.
Press Apply
to save your settings if you want to continue with setting up special days or press OK
to save and close the Special Days
window. It is possible to undo all settings and reload the state you had saved last by pressing Cancel
If you select this entry of the menu, the View Editor
appears, wherein remote control views can be created and edited. Alternatively, you can reach this window by clicking the symbol in the toolbar.
Please find detailed information on the view editor in the section Creating Remote Control Views.
In the Snapshot Options
window, you can edit option sets for mixer and channel snapshots.
The Option Sets are used in DSP control for transferring snapshots.
Add an option set. You can add option sets in the left column by clicking Add
and delete them by clicking Remove
. Then give the options set a name using the Label
field on the right side. Then you can select, what options the mixer snapshot should contain in the Select Mixer Snapshot Content
Add an option set. You can add option sets in the left column by clicking Add
and delete them by clicking Remove
. Then give the options set a name using the Label
field on the right side. Then you can select, what options the mixer snapshot should contain in the Select Channel Snapshot Content
Open the SNMP Options window to set up SNMP. See SNMP Documentaion for more details.
External Devices are used in addition to event_scripting and are only configured by DHD audio.
Event Scripting is the possibility to extend OS & OM functionality by DHD scripts. This function is only configured by DHD on demand.
Remote routing is a routing operation on a remote DHD device triggered by another DHD device. This data is transferred via OS. See the image below.
If you do not have enough lines available on e.g. a production console, you can use remote routing. With that function, the console can request a routing of a tie line on the matrix core. This is an easy way to same tie lines between cores.
The production console can request a tie line (remote) routing at OS. The OS forwards this request as a routing command to the matrix core. The matrix core then routes the audio (as in the image above).
To configure remote routings, two sides must be configured.
Button List 2015
element with the function Remote Routing
and give it the correct list address so OS can identify the request. See Toolbox8 / Button List 2015 TFT Element.First, configure the remote source list. This list defines the sources that are available for the device for routing.
To configure a remote routing source list, first, click Add
in the Source Lists
area on the left. Click on the newly created list. Then, on the right-hand side, you can edit the label in the List Label
Select the device, where the remote routing shall be performed in the Routing Device
drop-down list. After this selection, the available input channels of the device will be displayed in the Input Channels
area. To enable/disable input channels for remote routing, add them to or remove them from the Routing Input
list by clicking the arrows.
After you added a remote source list, go to Device Remote Routings
tab. First, select the device that will be controlled in the Control Device
drop-down list. Add a new remote routing in the Remote Routings
area on the left.
Edit the name of the remote routing using the Label
Select the matching source list you created which the routing shall take as the base for using the Source List
dropdown. Then Select the Output
, where the routing shall be performed. Then select a free list address. The list address must match with the list address given in Toolbox (see toolbox_side above).
Click Apply
to apply the changes.